
May 5, 20201 min

Quality Meats

For the past 18 years as a distributor of premium quality foods, it has been our policy to source only affordable products of high quality. Most of our loyal customers are discerning people who choose products of value for money, safe for consumption and above all, will promote good health.

A case in point is our meat products such as beef, mutton and lamb. They are imported from countries that have internationally recognised standards in food safety and animal health, with a high traceability system and strong product integrity measures.

We also prefer to promote meats that are grass fed instead of grain fed as the former contain less fat content. The fact that such livestock graze on open, natural grassland and pastures then to be fed with milled produced grains.

Grass fed meats naturally contain 13 essential nutrients required for good health, including Omega-3 EPA, DHA and vitamin B. They are also one of the best sources of well-absorbed iron (otherwise known as heme-iron) and zinc. Iron is important for energy, brain function, healthy growth and development, particularly in babies, toddlers and children, and zinc is important for a healthy immune system.

Culinary-wise, grass fed meat requires less cooking time due to its high protein and low fat content - 30% less cooking time is a good rule of thumb.

For dietary purposes, USDA recommends eating 85 to 170g portions of lean (less than 10% fat) or extra lean (less than 5% fat) meat three to four times per week for good health.


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